Understand your portfolio's performance

Track numbers that matter in the long-term. We show you your true net annualized return rate, annualized fee ratio, capital gains yield, and dividend yield.

Join 8000+ happy investors

Know your true performance

See your annualized portfolio performance over any period and break it down to capital gains, dividend yield and fees ratio.

Keep an eye on your fees

See how your brokerage fees impact your long-term returns.

Benchmark your portfolio

See how would your portfolio perform if you invested the same amounts in a benchmark of your choice such as S&P 500 or MSCI World index.

Import your trades from the following brokers, from a CSV file or add them manually.

There's more...

Most brokers don't show you the numbers that matter in the long term. We show you your true net annualized return rate, annualized fee ratio, capital gains yield, and dividend yield.


Make sure your portfolio is diversified

Make sure your portfolio is well diversified by breaking it down by asset class, region and sector


Make sure your portfolio risk is appropriate to your returns

Track your portfolio risk, see your risk-adjusted return and compare it to a benchmark.

Simple Portfolio dividend income breakdown

Track your dividend income

You no longer have to manually enter your dividends into a spreadsheet. All dividends and other corporate actions get automatically imported into your portfolio.

Simple Portfolio upcoming dividends

Plan ahead with the dividend calendar

Track your upcoming dividends so that you can plan which holdings to keep and which to sell.


All your investments in one place

Get a perfect overview of all your investments in one place. Easily see your asset allocation and how well each asset performs. For each holding, we show you its absolute and annualized net return including fees and dividends.


Do your taxes in minutes, not days

Doing your taxes used to be a hassle. Not anymore. With our detailed tax report, you have everything you need to file your taxes. See a sample tax report.

Import all your trades in seconds

You don't have to enter your trades manually. Just drag & drop your account statements from your broker or spreadsheets. We do the rest.

Ready to give it a try? Evaluate your portfolio for free.

Testimonials πŸ’™

Don't take our word for it. See what our customers have to say.

I appreciate the work you put into the site, nothing comes quite close to its simplicity and functionality.

β€” Wouter

to be honest the fast response is amazing. I’ll keep the subs up.

β€” Myles

great job building and launching this thing. I love how easy/intuitive you've made the whole thing. especially ingesting data πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈ

β€” Donal

smooth app by the way πŸ™‚

User friendly and extremely useful.

I've tried many tools for managing my portfolio, from apps, browser extensions, and even creating many my own excel spreadsheet.

In my case I use Degiro, which unfortunately doesn't provide interesting tools and statistics about our portfolio. This was the best alternative I found.

I already reached out to the support which is also very helpful.

β€” Torres

Simple tool to easily see my current portfolio and per annum returns.

A one stop shop for portfolio performance, even for stock purchased through different brokers.

β€” Kenneth

Great application for tracking your portfolio over longer periods of time and getting useful metrics on the performance of your portfolio.

β€” Peter Phelan

Simple Portfolio is the perfect website to track your investments. The best feature is that it displays the amount you invested on the chart and what % of your portfolio what investment is. Next to that, the dividend graph is also very handy. You can import from multiple brokers or enter transactions manually. Everything is easy to use. But best of all, it's free!

The tool is great.

β€” Uday

See all testimonials β†’

Pricing & plans


€ 0 /month

or € 0/year

  • Unlimited trades
  • Unlimited brokerage accounts
  • 1 portfolio
  • Performance tracking
  • Automatic dividend & split tracking
  • Chat support
Get started for free



€ 8 /month

or € 80/year 2 months free

  • Unlimited trades
  • Unlimited brokerage accounts
  • 5 portfolios
  • Performance tracking
  • Automatic dividend & split tracking
  • Holding analysis
  • Portfolio benchmarking
  • Dividend calendar
  • Advanced dividend analysis
  • Portfolio breakdown
  • Portfolio risk analysis
  • Chat support
Get started for free

Tax report pricing

Tax reports can be purchased with a one-time payment per tax year starting at €0.
See the pricing


Ask us at [email protected] or via the chat.