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Get a better view of your stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies with an easy-to-use portfolio tracker.
Most brokers don't show you the numbers that matter in the long term. We show you your true net annualized return rate, annualized fee ratio, capital gains yield, and dividend yield.
Get a perfect overview of all your investments in one place. Easily see your asset allocation and how well each asset performs. For each holding, we show you its absolute and annualized net return including fees and dividends.
You no longer have to manually enter your dividends into a spreadsheet. All dividends and other corporate actions get automatically imported into your portfolio.
Track your upcoming dividends so that you can plan which holdings to keep and which to sell.
Make sure your portfolio is well diversified by breaking it down by asset class, region and sector
See how would your portfolio perform if you invested the same amounts in a benchmark of your choice such as S&P 500.
Track your portfolio risk, see your risk-adjusted return and compare it to a benchmark.
Doing your taxes used to be a hassle. Not anymore. With our detailed tax report, you have everything you need to file your taxes. See a sample tax report.
You don't have to enter your trades manually. Just drag & drop your account statements from your broker or spreadsheets. We do the rest.
Don't take our word for it. See what our customers have to say.
I love this product
Overall great app and awesome support
Overall great and "simple" way of tracking portfolio. Free features are good.
Support and replies to inquiries are adequate and timely and have lead to satisfactory conclusions on multiple occasions.
Thanks for the app! This is awesome and at the same time unbelievable that DEGIRO doesn't provide anything like it.
Just the tool I was looking for. Really love where this is going man. It's badly needed as Degiro has nothing that is really helpful. Thanks again for taking the time to build this!
I really like your app, actually it looks very much like my local excel sheet, but better π
By the way, kudos to your work. I have been looking for an app/website for a long time to track portfolio based on Europe stocks and your website has all I am looking for π
Degiro does not give a good tax report but with your app it was easy to get it.
The ultimate Degiro tracker which provides a better understanding of my historical portfolio performance, underlying sector allocations, (un)realized returns, and received dividends.
The website is fast and clean. Plus Jakub, the founder, answers all the questions in a timely manner. The whole experience is seamless. I can't recommend it enough.
Some other solutions require login data. I'm happy with the CSV imports on the Simple Portfolio app, it's easy enough and makes me feel safer.
I'm currently using the free version. It already provides me with far better visibility than my broker (Degiro). I imagine the paid version is even more powerful.
Great tool to track your holdings
Adding to what others have said:
A very usable, very affordable alternative to the more complex platform.
You get a very good overview of your portfolio, its holdings, the upcoming dividends, and some more detailed analysis tools.
Jakub is very responsive and happy to include your suggestions.
The tool complements my trading platform perfectly and I warmly recommend it.
β¬Β 0 /month
or β¬Β 0/year
β¬Β 8 /month
or β¬Β 72/year 25% off
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